Appreciate this very much, especially the types of denials that people bring to this (and other) conversations.

I'm wondering if you've read "Hospicing Modernity"? In it, Vanessa Andreotti talks about our "Four Denials" that we must grapple with before we can move forward with relevance:

--the denial of systemic violence and complicity in harm (the fact that our comforts, securities and enjoyments are subsidized by expropriation and exploitation somewhere else),

--the denial of the limits of the planet (the fact that the planet cannot sustain exponential growth and consumption),

--the denial of entanglement (our insistence in seeing ourselves as separate from each other and the land, rather than “entangled” within a living wider metabolism that is bio-intelligent),

--the denial of the depth and magnitude of the problems that we face: the tendencies 1) to search for ”hope” in simplistic solutions that make us feel and look good; 2) to turn away from difficult and painful work (e.g. to focus on a “better future” as a way to escape a reality that is perceived as unbearable).

This chart is also helpful in understanding the layers. https://decolonialfutures.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/four-denials-four-layers-1.pdf

Hope this adds to the discussion.

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What synchronicity! I came across this book just yesterday and now I have to check it out. Thanks for sharing, Will.

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Buckle up. ;0)

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